Aug 21, 2009 21:15
Life. Nobody is perfect and no one's life is a smooth sailing one.
When we see rich people who earn big bucks, they did not just born into that seat.
They work their ass off and fight their way up. If they fight for what they want, they will get there.
Some did while some didn't. It all comes down to the decision we made yesterday that makes who we are today. You choose to fool around yesterday, you won't see yourself anywhere up near the sky tomorrow. Forget about seeing, you won't even feel it. That's why it's good to dream, so that you have a vision of your tomorrow.
Failing. Who wants to fail? Who wants to fall? But will you know what life is if you've never fail and fall before?
Will you get to know how difficult and painful it is to bring yourself together and stand up again?
Once you got up, try again and succeed, do you know that that success taste much more sweeter than first attempt? You will never know unless you fall and get up again. Those who never failed before are scared to fail. They worried they can never get up. They worried they don't know how to get up. Because they're used to succeed all the time. No wonder my parents always tell me, "It's ok. Try again."
Tales. Everyone has a tale of their own to tell. Or to keep. Everyone has different paths in life. Sometimes, it is good to share your experience so that others can learn. But at times, it is best just to keep it to yourself. Just shut up. And there are times, or certain people whom we share almost everything with. And why is that so? It's all in the trust.
Trust. Who do you trust the most? There are things i can share with my mum, my sis, my bestie. But sure there is someone whom you tell everything to. And you choose that someone because you know she won't judge you no matter in whatever situation you're in or no matter what you do. Even if it's the most stupid thing to do or be. Again, also because you trust that person to not tell anyone whatever you share with her. And also because you trust she will be there whenever you need her. Everyone need that person. They have to earn your trust. Not just because she's your mother, your sister or best friends forever.
Change. The surrounding change. The people change. Life change. When changes come, we learn to adapt. Adapt to changes. Adapt to new environment. You can adapt, you can survive. Life is about change. If you think your life is too mundane, get a hobby. Or learn a new sport. Get yourself occupied with something you want to do or gives you chances of learning new things and meet new people. You will be a new person. Life's is better and more exciting when you have something to look forward to. And perhaps, you will learn to stop complaining. Just don't change your true self.