Since I have an unhealthy amount of obsession and fascination with pairings that are either doomed from the start or are meant to self-destruct, I eventually decided to make a video about a few of my favorites - including, yes, Arthur and Morgana. Because we all know how that went.
"Doomed couples of doom" was the working title and the song is "Sickness" by Johnossi.
Basically it's about those of my favorite fictional relationships that end in tragedy. It has six different pairings (hetero, slash and femslash) from six different fandoms, canon as well as fanon.
I hope it's okay to share this video here. If not, I'm terribly sorry - please let me know and I'll delete it immediately. ^^
Warnings: sex & violence ?
Spoilers for: BBC Merlin (season 1 only), New Moon, Eclipse, The Runaways, Black Swan, The social Network and X-Men: First Class
In alphabetical order:
Fandom: "Black Swan"
Pairing: Nina/Lily (as played by Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis)
Cause of destruction: Insanity
How do they end?: Nina ends up possibly dead and most definitely insane, Lily's end is unknown, she's possibly going to be the Swan Queen.
Quote: Lily: "Did you have some sort of lezzie wet dream about me? Was I good?"
Fandom: "BBC Merlin"
Pairing: Arthur/Morgana (as played by Bradley James and Katie McGrath)
Cause of destruction: Destiny
How do they end?: In every other version except the BBC-one Arthur ends up married to Guinevere who ultimately cheats on him with his best friend and destroys his faith. Morgana ends up evil. In 95% of all versions of the legend it's Morgana who stays with him in the end and accompanies his dead body to Avalon which I always found quite bittersweet and sad.
I can't even talk about how it works out in the BBC version because then I would start angry rambling and wanking again, because yes, I'm still bitter about what they did to Morgana and I loath Arthur/Gwen with the heat of thousands suns.
Quote: Morgana: "Then do it for me."
Fandom: "The Runaways"
Pairing: Joan/Cherie (as played by Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning)
Cause of destruction: Drugs
How do they end?: Joan Jett became one of the most famous female rock stars ever and wrote hits like "I love Rock'n'Roll". Cherie became a drug addict and spent the next few years of her life in rehab clinics. They're still friends though. The movie is based on Cherie's memoirs.
Quote: Joan: "Are we not your fucked up family now?"
Fandom: "The social Network"
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo (as played by Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield)
Cause of destruction: Facebook
How do they end?: Mark created one of the most famous social networks of his time. Eduardo Saverin vanished off the face of the earth after the depositions. They never talk, but they still stalk each other via Facebook. The movie is based on Eduardo's notes.
Quote: Mark: "I want ... I need you."
Fandom: Twilight (only New Moon and Eclipse)
Pairing: Jacob/Bella (as played by Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart)
Cause of destruction: Stephenie Meyer
How do they end?: Bella ends up married to Edward (a fate worse than death?) and Jacob ends up a pedophile with her daughter.
Quote: Bella: "How can we be friends when we love each other like this?"
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Pairing: Charles/Erik (as played by James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender)
Cause of destruction: Society
How do they end?: Charles ends up paraplegic and bald, Erik ends up being desperate, lost and very very angry at himself and the whole world. The still meet everyy once in a while and play chess though.
Quote: Erik: "I want you by my side."