Hercules music video

Sep 06, 2005 17:13

Hi there!
I've finished my very first music video and it's inspired by our favorite series and its special Herc/Iolaus relationship ;)) Hope you'll enjoy it! Kubulla

Song: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
Length: 4:26
Size: 36 MB
Download: http://www.e-tech.cz/


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Comments 8

suchthefangirl September 6 2005, 16:09:53 UTC
That was great!! It left me with a huge smile. Now I want to go back and watch the whole series all over again. (They are the relationship that made me fall in love with slash.)

Nice job.


eldritchhobbit September 6 2005, 17:15:05 UTC
This is beautifully done - you've made my day. Great editing, great use of the music. I've got a teary-eyed and goofy grin on my face!


parrotcrazy September 6 2005, 20:09:42 UTC
Wow that was great thanks!


naomi1642 September 6 2005, 23:50:43 UTC
It's made me go all misty-eyed. Lovely vid - very nice use of clips and music.


spikeface September 7 2005, 06:18:17 UTC
Great vid. I love your choice of clips, with a touch of humor amidst all of the love and angst. Very nice. :-D


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