I'm such a lucky girl, really. After the meeting of our little writing group, I stayed in Kassel last night (which has become kind of a habit) and
khana and I spent some delightful hours plotting our
novels in November.
khana is a genius. Talking with her, so many notes I've taken over the last couple of months really fit into my story. Which means that I was actually able to start seperating this huge project of mine into three plots i.e. three stories, novels, books, whatever. And it works! The character developments and subplots, everything works so far. It's amazing, I'm amazing.
khana is amazing. Guess what, I'm already in love with her novel, head over heals. It's her turn to tell anybody, so I will keep my mouth shut, but it looks like it has everything I want in a good story. (And
khana will write it, rawr!)
In addition, I saw (and photographed, yay!)
khana's and
schattenstern's flat today. Aw. Awwwwww! It's so sweet! (Without furniture yet, mind you!) Concerning her move, I even got an early 'thank you for helping' present: a thick book about animals, where they live, what they eat and so on and so forth... No smiley smiles broadly enough to express my joy! (But I'll try anyay:
On a different note, I received some more feedback on fanfiktion.de and... Do you know the feeling when you get the affirmation that the point you wanted to get across in your story does get across? Wow...