Still have the plague

Mar 20, 2006 13:51

And since I have the plague, I took a long lunch. During my lunch, I watched part of a documentary called "Hell House." It's about the Xian replacement for haunted houses at halloween. Most of it's really kind of frightening, because I grew up around fundamentalists. I totally recognize the behavior of those people. Their certainty is frightening.

But I found this part hilarious:

The dude who is in charge of the hell house is a control freak. There is apparently an occult scene in the hell house. They got paint to make the set. They were planning on painting a white pentagram on a black background. The control freak got all pissy about it and said that it wasn't authentic. They needed red paint to make it authentic. So they got the red paint. The camera pans back to the finished product: a black background with a beautiful red Star of David.
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