Dec 26, 2005 22:40
Christmas was good. Didn't get much from parents because I got my room re-done which was hella, hella bling (including $500 hardwood floors i didn't even want? whatever.) So yeah that was super. But lots of extremely thoughful gifts and cards from friends which was so sweet.
I am bored to tears on my first day of official holidays from school. My brother and I played Molopoly, Snakes&Ladders, and Frustration today. And i burnt candles. Burnt meaning murdered.
Anna and I got Coldplay tickets!
My english teacher is gone on maternity leave for the rest of the semester!
Seana came to visit and is staying with her brother who i found out lives a 15 minute walk away from my house!
Fantabulous things planned for the coming weeks! Oh. Man.
People actually liked the gifts i gave them! As in they put them on right away! Giggles!
I'm gonna get EmPalm's recipe and make cookies!
My life.