The list of firsts

Jun 22, 2010 15:12

So, 5-6 weeks must be about the time when our babies go from squalling loaves of bread to tiny persons exibiting the beginnings of personality.  Charlie has started to find her smile, more and more as each day passes, and she's just started making noises that aren't crying (the famed cooing they always tell you about - it's amazing).  I'm also finding that my girls are two totally different people (go figure) - even at this young age, Charlie is so much different than Pants was.  For one, Charles is more "delicate of constitution" than Pants - I can't have caffiene or onions or garlic or dairy or any number of other odds/ends because it gives Charlie a belly-ache (damn gassy baby :(  And it's SOOOO hard to get a decent burp out of this one, especially without her spitting up everywhere.  With Pants, I could eat/drink any damn thing and she'd belch with the best of them, no problems, and like NEVER spit up, ever - Pants never even vomitted until she was 21 months old, whereas Charlie has projectiled at me at least 3 times already (also, TERRIFYING - no one warns you that it comes literally shooting out of each nostril at the same time as their mouth - ugh!).  And Charlie is a Princess, she ALWAYS wants to be held PERIOD and HATES having a dirty diaper (I know this sounds rather common sense as infants go, but Pants never cared about a dirty diap and never told us when it was dirty as a baby, and Pants was often content to hang out in her swing or vibrate-y seat or whatever when she was awake, whereas Charlie pretty much pisses and moans if I ever put her down anywhere unless she's asleep).  They are SO different, it's wild.  I sometimes wonder if Charlie's neediness and my obsession with her is because I've bonded much better/easier with Charlie because of the relative ease of birth/recovery/breast-feeding when I has so much stress and trouble with Pants.  Hope Pants didn't get the shaft on that one.  :(  Also, it's crazy how much Charlie looks like her cousin Sam (who Cathy says looks like me, so that stands to reason I guess).  I'll eventually find a good comparitve picture of Sam and post it along side one of Charlie.  For now, here are these pix...

Charlie (1 month) and Eddie

This is what happens when you let your child play in the water so you can use that distraction to FINALLY run a brush through her hair: lots of wet clothes and a ridiculous pony-tail.

So ridiculous, but isn't the dress I made her out of Goodwill pillowcases like SOOO cute?!?  :)  Check me out, being all domestic and shit.

Charlie ~6 weeks

Early indoctrination: encouraging your child to watch Grease while totally naked.  What does this say about me as a parent?

James' form of early indoctrination: going topless wearing steel-toed Marine boots.  :)

Father's Day: the Day of Firsts.  My Pants went pee in the potty for the first time, and has several times since (she said "a poopoo potty me!" (because both excretions are interchangable), shut-up, it's exciting if you're me).  My Pants went swimming in a pool for the first time and had a wonderful time playing with her Daddy at Cousin Susu's pool ("I go wahwee, I go wahwee!" has been heard a lot lately).  And James COOKED.  I know, don't everybody freak out at once!  He made pancakes, from a box, ALL. BY. HIMSELF.  AND he served them to Pants and me!  HOLYFUCKINGSHIT.  I've known him for 12 years and have NEVER seen him do more than make a bowl of cereal or microwave a frozen something (and even that I've only seen like twice because we rarely have frozen dinners).  He ONLY goes to the fridge to chug some juice out of something and put it back - he doesn't even feed Pants stuff that needs to be refridgerated unless I'M there to "prepare" it for him.  Seriously (yes, I know that he'd probably expire if left alone, but then, that's why his car if FILLED with fast-food trash).  But anyway, he did.  He went to the store, got the mix and the syrup, and only asked me where the butter was in the fridge and if/where we had a measuring cup (yeah, I know), everything else he did himself.  He even plated it and brought it out to us!  I'm actually amazed he didn't have to ask me where the plates were.  :)  It was QUITE the day of firsts!  That's all for now, love to all.
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