Farewell, it's been so long.

Apr 17, 2010 14:51

So, I've been thinking about this for a while. I was going to hold off on officially making the move until Buzz was more agreeably featured, but I decided it's time to call it a day: I'm leaving Livejournal. My current journal will continue to exist until such a time as Livejournal does something asinine, and I'll probably still check my friends page every so often, but there will be no further public updates on herbie. (There may be the occasional locked post, but I haven't actually made a locked LJ post in over two years, and I have little expectation that I'll do more now.)

For people who still want to consume things I produce, the list of the various media in which I'm involved are available at http://www.google.com/profiles/aprotim. The important ones are all linked sites to my Buzz, so if you follow me on Buzz, that's your one-stop shop. If you prefer a more piecemeal approach, I'm most active on:

Twitter (Also aprotimtweet)
My Personal Blog (Also rant_aprotim)
My Picasaweb
Google Reader

There have been a lot of little things leading me to leave. First, there's the inexorable exodus from Livejournal - for some time, people have moved their sharing to other platforms. It used to be Facebook, but since I view Facebook as alternately a useful tool or a necessary evil rather than an enjoyable way to share and receive information, I wasn't motivated enough to cut off my other virtual window on my friends. However, as more and more of my friends are on Twitter, Buzz, Tumblr, their own blogs, etc., it's become a lot easier for me to turn to other media.

Secondly, SixApart has been doing a lot more things to piss me off. It was inevitable, once they became a real boy, and started caring more about profits than being brad's (and evan's) playground for cool ideas with a bit of income attached, but it's been wearing on me. Of course, they long ago abandoned Brad's intention never to make money through ads, and they've stopped really doing anything innovative or interesting (or if they are doing innovative and interesting things with their infrastructure, they've stopped sharing them). What put me over the edge though, was when I came to Livejournal, saw ads, realized I wasn't logged in, went to the login page and got an intrusive interstitial ad before I could log in and make the ads go away.

Finally, this move is as much an acknowledgement of reality as it is a move. In the last year, I have made 4 posts on LJ, only one of which had any useful content. Also, as I've tried to make my blog more active, it's been winning over LJ as my place to put long-form thoughts, so this decision simply means that in the future, there won't be any argument as to where things go.
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