(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 00:55

Today, my Livejournal turns eight. I've had the opportunity to read through large swathes of it lately, and it's in some ways remarkable how much I've changed (or hope I have). In other cases, I've been surprised to find things out about me that I thought were new developments plainly evidenced in a posting from high school or early college.

I have been remiss in this, which is sad, because reading through those old posts shows me why I write here at all - there's a history it documents - one I can easily forget/retcon/reappropriate, and one which I should try to remember as it was, and it's so much more than writing a paper journal - there is a chronicle of my interactions and my relationships with all of you in that history, and it's something that I love and mourn - there are time when I was a real idiot, and times when you guys have been truly beautiful.

Anyway, this is my way of saying, happy birthday, herbie, we should keep in touch.
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