and I've become content with this life that I lead..

Jun 24, 2005 03:07

OK peeps, livejournal time again. Warning: My recollection of some of the following events may be a rough read, to say the least.. Continuing.

I suppose I’ll be logical and start withhh.. the day after my last entry! (you like that exclamation mark shit, don’t you??) I was posed to hang out with Em all day, but that didn’t go down. I texted her to see what was up and she said she had family stuff to do and she’d call me afterwards. THAT made me nervous, as Emlee and I don’t have the best track record for following through with plans, so the NEW gameplan was to go to Heather’s house until Emily called, and then hang out with Em… So off to Heather’s I went. I got there and I chilled with Heather, Alissa and Kyle.. and we watched some HBO porn. It was a good time.. then we put on some better porn stuff and Abbie rolled through. This is when Em called and said she wouldn’t be able to do anything. I just rolled with the punch and played it cool.. called up Bill Sanders to come over and “cheer me up”. I won’t say what that means exactly, but you can use your imagination. (Also, keep in mind that if you’re imagining some homosexual activity, YOU are probably the gay one, not me.) In any case, I ended up scooping up the Sanders, came back with him and Abs was gone. NBD though.. He ended up cheering the rest of the group up, if you will. Here are random tidbits of memories that have been lost to me forever:

- the water tastes like a cheeseburger
- Turning into a driveway because I thought it might be a street, and then being confused for a tick.
- Meow.
- It sleeps all through the night.

No, but honestly, that’s all I remember..

The next day, I ended up at Heather’s house again, this time with Sanders AND Fizz. The Same sort of unwholesome shenanigans went down again. This is what I remember from THAT day:

- Fizz complaining about astronauts in his feet. He then called my cell phone, put both his phone AND my phone to his ears, and began talking to NASA about his astronaut problem.
- I remember calling people, but I don’t remember any specifics.
- Sanders wandering through the woods. PFF.

Later that night, after I took Fizz and Sanders to their houses, I ended up having Kyle and Josh nelson Over to my house. We then drank, and I have no idea what the fuck happened. If I called you that night, I offer you my sincerest apologies.

The Next Major event on Larbear’s agenda for life, post-Heather’s house visits, was six flags with my nigga Jake, my homie Fizz, and my main Ho Katie. (I was just kidding about all that.. they’re not really my niggas and homies and stuff, they’re just my friends.) In any case, I go to Jakes house and, well.. the silly shenanigans that happened at Heather’s house? Those SAME type of shenanigans happened at Jakes before six flags. This mad it difficult for me to find Katie’s house. I turned into a car dealership because, for a moment, I thought it might be the way to her house. Wups!! Anywho.. I drove us up there, we met some Illinoisians, because Fizz digs one of them or something… hit up a couple rides, I talked about how the canteen on the wall near the tea cups was aladdin’s, hit up some more rides, figured out those illinoisians hated us, and went home. Here are good memories from flags:

- Trampoline.
- but SHIT..
- extra drink cup
- is this cotton candy getting smaller?
- “They don’t hate you, they just don’t like talking to you and avoid making eye contact”
- meeting for lunch
- The Vipe.. oh wait, we didn’t go on that.. jerks.
- The Water pa.. oh wait, we didn’t go there either. Fuckers.

Ok, so maybe I’m a little bitter about some aspects of my flags trip, but it was still fun, I assure you.

Then there was a day that I did nothing except apply for jobs andddd.. get drunk at night by my lonesome. Continuing..

Umm.. let’s seee, next up iss.. I hung out with that one hottie that I always want to hang out with (finally..) I went to her house for a pool party, which rocked cause it was 90 degrees. it was good times. I got there and Karbear, J. Rick, Adrienn and Ms. Samantha were in attendance, as well as the lady of the hour herself.. I met her mom again, got naked, then, sadly, put on my swimming trunks, went outside and pooled it up. I played some pool-basketball anddd.. I think nothing else really for a while. It was just everyone chillin in the pool trying to get as tan as I am.. haha, suckers!! (I’m kidding, a little..) We got out and played basketball for a while, then got back in the pool. Then Sam left, R. Dubs came (that’s Ryan Welch, for future reference) and some wrestling and such with the ladies went down in the pool, which is always fun stuff. Then Bill and Adam came, and Bill is a gimp right now so he didn’t swim, but I’m still in love with him. Adrienn ended up leaving, then a little while later we all got out of the pool for good, cause our hostess had to work at 5. It’s cool though, I got to hang out with her mom for 20 minutes.. hahaha. Karbear, J. Rick and myself had a little family time with m’lady’s rents, and then off we went. Thennn she gave me a hug, a sip of her low-calorie chocolate shake, and a pretty smile.. like one of the REALLY pretty ones that I won’t be able to forget for a long time.. but hopefully she’ll be willing to refresh my memory really soon anyway.

I’m not even gonna say her name, you all know who I’m talking about by now anyway...
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