Jun 02, 2005 23:08
Shit guys, it's been a long long time. I'll start with last weekend I guess, just cause I liked it..
So.. Friday I went to bed at 6, and then Saturday I just chilled at home all day cause I woke up sick as can be, and it was sort of awkward cause I was healthy as an ox on friday.. I was like dude what the fuck. Anyways, sunday was a busy day. I woke up and I helped my uncle move, and I fell down his stairs with his entertainment stand. It was O-muthafuckin-C, ask me about it if I haven't told you. Got done doin that, went home, had to pick up some odd's and ends from various shopping establishments, then I hit up Lisa's grad party. It was sweet, except when I got there I couldn't remember what house was hers so I just walked to a couple random ones.. no big deal. There was some sweet mofo's there, like Alissa and Mary and Heather and, of course, Miss Lisa Anne herself. I hung out in the uhh.. I don't know what room it would be called cause I'm a po'white boy and she has a mansion.. so we'll just call it the kitchen slash living room area. Then someone had this sweet idea that we should go out to the back yard cause she had a fricken bouncy castle~!! So I go downstairs with Mary, cause you have to go downstairs to get outside to the back yard, that's just how wealthy people roll, and Mary tripped through the screen door and broke it off. I was blushing for her a little.. then I kinda hung out out back for an hour or so and then I hadda go cause it was also Emlee's birthday that same day..
So, I go to my birthday girl's house and I give her her birthday stuff (and she smiled) and then I meet her mom (kind of), but I guess Em wasn't down for just chillin at her crib so we ended up going to get food right away. We got some cold stone, which is cool cause girls need ice cream on their birthdays i think, and then we went to kari's and hung out there for a while. We all (em, bill u, AK47, karbear) took a pretty interesting park trip with 40's and stuff, and then we went back to karbear's for a camp fire. Then Micah came, and we had a generally fly time just chillin out back.. then I took miss dagenhardt home and went home myself. It was a good day. The following day, I helped my uncle move summore shit and then hit up open gym, where I sucked at basketball.
Onnn.. Tuesday I wanna say (??), I was on my way to school and I decided to go around this car that was fuckin chillin in the right lane talking to somebody by the muthafuckin intersection, and I wastravelling aboot 25 or 30 mph.. so I'm driving on the left side of the road and I have to make a left turn.. however, I didn't feel like i needed to slow down, and therefore ended up turning into and over the curb. Now.. this is not a big deal, as I hit the curb on a regular basis, however, when I got off the curb on this particular day, my tire decided to pop. We had to get me a new a tire and I was quite late for school.. 3 hours or so. I also have no money at this point in my life due to that mishap :(.
Now we're in exams, and I hate school, and i'm glad it's over and i hope it burns down and dies!!
k.. now.. summer i am excited for. I gotta hang out with lots and lots of people, and I'm actually gonna try my hardest to hang out with everyone. Here's a sweet list of nigga's that I gotsta chill with, so if I don't call you guys you gotta call me:
Micah, Emlee, Rod, Heather, Ryan (x3), Leese, Rachel H, Molissa, Bill U., Ash H., Mandy, Tony, Ashleigh, Katie, Kyle L., Alissa, Lambchops, Sanders, Cassie, Andy, Ditty, A Buzdum, Lauren, Amanda S, Brittmonster, Nic, Kari, Em Ras, Fizz, Jake, Korea, Kell, Ally, Ben, Mose
I think that covers most of the important ones, which means if I left you out it just means I hate you...