(no subject)

May 07, 2006 21:35

my mind's rotting out on me like the body on an old chevy. piece by piece it just goes away away away never to come back. ehhhh what did i do in a previous life to deserve this. all i ask for is my fucking mind to rest. just one day,one goddamn day can i go without thinking the world is shit and i'm the colon that it passes through. i'm sure there's some greater meaning to it all. like the pain and lack of sanity means i'll somehow save the creator of an aids vaccine or the orchestrater of world peace someday. it sure as fuck isn't gonna be me. i dunno it just sucks sucks suck sucks fucking sucks and i'm sick of pretending i'm perfectly fine. i just keep gettin fucked over and over and over like pushover's written on my head. not doin it anymore, i'm outta my mind and i don't care. so what if i scare people off, i'm just speeding up the inevitable cause i'm gonna die alone eventually. some assholes are gonna tell me i need to see someone about this. what? cuse me? i need to see someone? yea all the fucking morons who need help themselves are gonna say that. fuck youuuu and fuck everybody who's problems and shit and sob stories i hadda listen to over the years cause you fuckin contributed to this. this fucking mental colapse has been brought to you by people dumpin their shit on me like i got a solution, people's lack of any sort of respect for me, and the lies that my life has been based on. thanks you good night
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