I'm not dead... honest

Jun 19, 2008 01:08

Okay... so I really need to get this posting on a normal time frame thing to work better... so, what has happened in the 5 weeks that this thing says I've been gone, Firstly I am outta school... and I didn't completely fail. Second, Fanimooo was fun and made of goodness... The one odd story is that the Po busted Loki and I for picnicin'... namely the park we were in closed at sunset and he was all you shouldn't over stay your welcome... it was funny... and we got to cuddle in the room... and this time Wooshy was the judge... *HA some of you get it and others are lost*

That brings us to the last weekend... I was back up with Loki for his graduation. It was fun... even if there was a few bumps... and vicodin induced door-face... but all and all I had fun and got to better understand the person that I love...

In non-cute world... NOTHIN' MUCH HAS CHANGED... but we started DND and it is going well... I'mma try to deshell them slowly... but hey... it might actually work... and that makes me happy

Um... aside from all of that I'm doin' well, even if a might lonely now... *damn song and new association... *sniffles**

cons, life, loki

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