New Entry; Back in Outlands

Jul 10, 2008 11:01

Yesterday I found myself back in Shattrath.  As physically restful (and rewarding) as my short stay in Silvermoon was, it was mentally exhausting.  I was jumpy, peering into shadows and glancing over my shoulder at the slightest noise.  The fear of an ambush by Tir'Delos or his henchmen was continually at the back of my mind.  Have recent encounters really left me so scarred that I jump at shadows?

... Shattrath.  I found Z. there.  I don't know how we seem to continually bump into each other.  It's not as though I was flying around looking for her.  I just happened to be enjoying the illusion that the Aldor were tiny insects, squishable with my littlest finger.

Alright, fine, I was bored and spotting Z. was a godsend.  Or it would have been, if I believed in any sort of gods.

We spent the day in Netherstorm.  The ethereals have lots of odd-jobs that need doing.  I just wish it wasn't so hard to get that damn purple dust off afterwards.  I swear, I end up looking more like a blasted kaldorei than a sin'dorei by the end of the day.  Ha, I wish I had that physique  Damn ethereals don't have any baths, either.  I suppose I'll have to go kill off that behemoth in the biodome lake and take a swim.

Hm.  Z. was incredibly easy to annoy today.  I suppose it was the headaches.  She really should see someone about that.  Of course, then I'd lose half the fun of traveling with her; the easier she is to rile, the more fun I have.  On paper it sounds so cruel.  It's all in the name of science, however, so I suppose that's alright.  I want to see if she implodes when she hits her limit.  I have yet to find it.

... Apparently healing is tingly, or so she claims.  Hn.  I suppose it does itch a bit.

Speaking of annoyances, that stupid wench wouldn't admit that she was hurting.  If she had I might have been able to do something about it, but I'm sure as hell not going to try anything without knowing what's wrong first.  If it's her headaches, well, there's not much I can do anyway.  I might be able to do something for her shoulder, though.  It might have been the beating she took today, too.  I tried to keep her shielded, but... Sometimes the shield gets broken and I can't risk re-casting it until her spirit is strong enough to support it again.  It's an odd thing about holy shielding -- you'd think that as Light magic it wouldn't have side effects like weakened souls.  I saw a young priest once that cast it while he was in such a state.

They removed him from the training yard gibbering.  I don't think I saw him again.

I'll have to bug Z. about her aches and pains a bit more when she gets up.  Right now, I have some mucking about with weeds to do.

netherstorm, teaghue, demonic wench

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