New Entry; Illness

Dec 16, 2008 17:40

Z. is still sick--worse, in fact.  She's been sleeping near-constantly, she's pale, and her temperature refuses to rise to normal levels.  She hasn't eaten or had anything to drink in nearly a day--the next time she's capable of sitting up I have to get some water into her, possibly some broth.  It would be absolutely ridiculous if she starved to death while I try to find a cure.  I've tried everything alchemical that I can think of; healing potions, fortifying elixirs, even an experimental flask I've been working on that's designed to aid in keeping warm in Northrend's tundras.  None of them had any discernible effects.

I haven't dared to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time since I returned to Dalaran.  I can't bear the thought of something happening to her because I'm unconscious.  What if she turns?  I have to be awake and around for that--I can't let anyone else take her down if it happens.  It has to be me.

Somehow, I think she'd appreciate that.

... Okay, maybe not appreciate, but still.  I can't let her be killed by some guard just because he happens to--Stop thinking about it.  That's not going to happen.  She'll be fine, I'll find some way to fix this.  I have to.

I'd like to talk with Carsis about this, but if his letter was any indication he has his own problems to worry about.  He hardly needs mine piled on top of them.

I've taken to reading Z.'s books while I watch over her at night.  Most of them are insufferably dull; I would never make it as an enchanter.  I skimmed those the first night and set them aside with no small amount of relief.  I couldn't make sense out of the more interesting looking ones.  Warlocks and their spellbooks.  Thankfully, she seems to have acquired an adventure novel or two, so that's something to help me stay awake, at least.

Note to self: talk to the barmaid.  She's started giving me stranger looks than the ones she gives Carsis whenever she brings coffee to Z. and I's room.  Probably thinks I have Z. drugged or something.

I wonder if I have any clean socks?

spies everywhere, argh, northrend, demonic wench

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