Title: Riding the Shadows
Rating: PG
Characters: Rockso
Notes: 2nd person POV.
Riding the Shadows
Your eyes are on fire with the prickles from tears you don't want any more than you want the fucking shell of an existence that is your entire life. You paint over your issues with the brightest colors, and their comfort is only skin deep; you're just as lonely inside, as empty, as aware. It would be nice to be truly oblivious, to never understand the depth of your shortcomings, but that would be a wonderland you're incapable of even imagining.
Everything has a shadow, even the whitest powder, the rockinest tune, and sometimes, in that desert of awareness, shadow is the most glorious and towering crutch, and you're grateful for it in a way you're never grateful to the people who care about you.
All you're good for is a good time, a good time that's only skin deep. And your bad times are a towering elephant in the room, in the desert, different than the crutch, able to move on their own, yet still able to be ridden.
You can use that crutch of darkness and cold blood and shady deals, you can use it as long as you want, walking through that desert. You can ride that elephant too. That's what life is. It's riding that darkness, using it, because it's not going to go away.
There'd be no shadow without light, but you're not grateful for the light, usually. The light is just there. The shadow's where the action and uncertainty that comfort your shallow soul really happen. When you're in a desert of awareness, more light is the last thing you need.