Title: A Glorious, Gay Occasion
Rating: G
Pairing: Toki/Rockso
Characters: Dethklok, Charles, Leonard.
Note: EXTRA FLUFFY, established relationship, sober!Leonard.
A Glorious, Gay Occasion
"What are we...what are we doing here...again?" Nathan asked.
"I think...we're here for me, maybe."
"No, we're not," Charles said gently.
"Yeahs, we's here for dat clowns," said Skwisgaar.
Toki came back from his trip to the bathroom with Leonard tailing behind. "Looks, guys, he cames," he said happily.
"Hgn," Nathan said, not looking happy about that at all. "Wow...great," he said in an obviously false tone, "Hmnn."
Toki took his seat next to Skwisgaar.
"Thank you all for comin' out to celebrate with me," Leonard said with a smile. "One month, I've been cocaine free. YEAH, buh-baby!"
"Oh, Leonsard. You's the best boyfriends I evah hads."
"Toki, he's de only boyfriends you ever had."
"Rights," Toki said, shifty-eyed. "O' course."
Leonard sat down, and Toki latched himself onto a too-tan arm. "I'm so prouds. You has no idea."
"Oh, I think I kno-ow! K-YEAH!"
"Good...job, Rockso," Charles said carefully.
"Yee-uh, way to go!" Pickles said.
"You're...thisch doesn't make schence," Murderface declared. "Why are you happy about that?" he demanded of Pickles.
Pickles sighed, shaking his head lightly. "Okee look, guys. Bein' on drugs meakes me a better person. They just make dat clown a douchebeag of epic proportions."
"He seems not to have...stolen anything in a while," Charles offered.
Toki squeezed Leonard even more tightly, resting his head against his shoulder. "I dids this. This is what happens when you don'ts gives up on peoples, and they dos the right thing."
"This...is really geay," Pickles said, making a face.
And, it was. It was really gay.