Title: Impending Rating: This part PG-13 for language. NC-17 eventually. Pairing: Eventual Nathan/Murderface. Notes: High school AU. Cause there isn't enough of it.
Okay, I actually read this early this morning, but stuff was going on and I didn't have time to properly comment past "HEEE HEEE OMG HIGH SCHOOL AU
( ... )
I thought his take-chargeness with the beatings thing was really in-character. He's opposed to putting on the attitude that means he's letting people win. :-3
Also...as the narrator I try not to be in a character's "point of view" unless I legitimately write it from a character's point of view, like with "I". So...this is me calling him William and saying he's not a good fighter?
I thought that was really in character too! "I didn't get beat up, I did that guy a favor!" XD
As to the second comment, hmmmm. I had to go back and reread it a time or two because I wanted to try and put into words what had got me feeling like the story was being told from William's actual point of view. And I've come to the conclusion that the narrative was told with such a personal feel ("This sucked so hard.", "Big deal") that I got the impression it was being told from SORT OF his point of view.
I know there's a word for when the narrator doesn't use "I" or "We", but still connects with a certain character's thought processes enough to make it sound like it was being told by them.
I just can't remember what it is.
I'm thinking about this entirely too much, I doesn't matter in the slightest anyway. <33333333333
I thought his take-chargeness with the beatings thing was really in-character. He's opposed to putting on the attitude that means he's letting people win. :-3
As to the second comment, hmmmm. I had to go back and reread it a time or two because I wanted to try and put into words what had got me feeling like the story was being told from William's actual point of view. And I've come to the conclusion that the narrative was told with such a personal feel ("This sucked so hard.", "Big deal") that I got the impression it was being told from SORT OF his point of view.
I know there's a word for when the narrator doesn't use "I" or "We", but still connects with a certain character's thought processes enough to make it sound like it was being told by them.
I just can't remember what it is.
I'm thinking about this entirely too much, I doesn't matter in the slightest anyway. <33333333333
Either way *HUGS SIS*
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