I celebrated the Fall Equinox, the imminent start of the Jewish New Year, and the end of my three-year reign of error at the New York City Bar by going to one of my favorite places on Earth, Jones Beach.
I have the Meadowbrook Parkway all to myself.
Apparently, it's an end-of-summer Long Island tradition to overturn the lifeguard chairs.
Why, hello there!
How romantic. ::gag::
Don't do it, lady! Life is worth it!
The gorgeous Atlantic.
A perfect day for flying a kite... a skill I never quite mastered. You can rest assured that it's not me who's flying that kite. Charlie Brown's got NOTHING on me.
Pretty soon, it will be winter.
For those of you who are Jewish in practice or at least in spirit (I tend to lean more toward the latter these days), have a happy and healthy New Year.