Talk to it!

Oct 07, 2010 13:05

More Miranda Cuteness alert. Flee if you hate my kid stories.

So I was driving Miranda to her preschool this morning. A song came on the radio, it was moderny, hip-hop, I did not recognize it, but it was enjoyable. Miranda, who clearly liked the song, asked what it was. I answered I have no idea. Miranda answered me, "Talk to it." Translated from Miranda-ese, "No seriously tell me what this awesome thing I'm experiencing is." I repeated myself, that I did not know what the kids are listening to these days. Her answer, "TALK TO IT!" Which I took to mean, at least in tone, "Look old woman, you have spent my whole life explaining telling me what to do and acting like you know everything. And now you're trying to cop-out and shrug me off. This is bullshit!" I did the only thing I could think of, I apologized for failing her.


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