Inspiring Sin Throughout the World.

May 07, 2009 12:17

Here is a little tidbit I learned today, in India porn is illegal. Despite this, they are horning in on America's last and greatest industry. Specifically, webcomic porn. I'm sorry for going on about sex things two days in a row. I'm blameless here, I'm just the merry messanger. Blame (or thank) Salon for letting me know about Savita Bhabhi SOOOO not safe for work or the "Delicate." Don't go there unless you mean it. I of course immediately went to the site. The art was sloppy in some instances, inconsistant but surprisingly good in places. They change artists and authors every "episode," so there is, ahum, variety. The stories were typical repressed sexual culture fare, all cuckolding MILFiness and token female resistance. You certainly get too much insight into Indian male fantasies, so what I'm saying is - well worth the read. If only to broaden your knowledge of our soon to be Indian Overlords, oh, wait that's the Chinese, I wonder if there is any Chinese webcomic porn ... [searching] ... ARGHHHH IT BURNS! I'm going to pretend there is not.

savita bhabhi, sex

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