I want to point out something...

Jan 17, 2009 00:44

Are you prepared for a power outage during a deep freeze?
No -- and I wish I had been last night!
(27 %) 1330 votes
No, but this has pushed me to prepare myself.
(35 %) 1744 votes
I have everything I need in the house but I don't have a kit assembled.
(28 %) 1379 votes
Yes, I am so prepared!
(11 %) 545 votes

this data comes from the CP24 web poll... so its voluntary, and non scientific...

now, this might sound like the sky is falling but even the federal government suggests having a 3 day survival kit PER member of house... in fact they have highly suggested it for a few years now. (and long time readers of my LJ will know on several points if pointed this out.)

BUT, the point i would really like to point out is this.

IF this had been a real emergency, 62% of the people who answered the poll this ARE DEAD.

let me put this in perspective for you, next time your out in public, count 10 people. 6 of them ARE DEAD. keep counting as you walk threw the crowds. get an idea of what 60% casualties is.

now you might think, i don't have to worry, in a disaster the government will rescue us... but, as The Herald of Chaos i would like to point out SHIT HAPPENS, and if Katrina is any excample of what has happened, imagine it much much worse.

what the Red Cross suggests: http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.d229a5f06620c6052b1ecfbf43181aa0/?vgnextoid=354c2aebdaadb110VgnVCM10000089f0870aRCRD&cpsextcurrchannel=1

or for nothings sake if your lazy and cant be bothered BUY ONE

and like the saying goes, its better to have one and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

fuck people, the life you save MIGHT BE YOUR OWN.
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