Heat Wave Tips

Jul 22, 2012 23:07

Originally published at Harmonic Pets. Please leave any comments there.

The app on my computer says it’s 102 out and I just got back from the barn. It was hot out there, but not as humid as we usually are in the summer so sitting in front of the big fan or in the breeze way chatting meant that it wasn’t too deathy hot. Though it was good to get to the barn, reassure myself that my horse was doing well, and to give her a soak down with a tepid hose. She appreciated the water, and of course, I got a good drenching too when she shook off.

I don’t think I need to tell anyone about how hot it is through most of the country this year. The news has been talking about it for months, as have internet news outlets. And it’s important we think about all pets, not just the ones outdoors.

If you do have to keep an animal outdoors, like my horse, here are some tips.
  • Make sure there is access to breezes when available, shade, and unlimited drinking water.
  • Check on them regularly. Hose down or bring into a cooler area (like a barn aisle with big fans) for a while if possible.
  • If you do go outside, make sure you stay hydrated, too. Water is always the best. Remember, alcohol dehydrates you.
  • If you normally exercise or need to train for an event do so in the early morning hours. The evenings might not be cool enough.
  • Take it slow and easy.

Indoor pets also need watching. Make sure cold water is available at all times. If a pet, like my bearded dragon, has heat lights, check the interior temp to insure any nearby windows or “dead zones” in the air circulation aren’t making the heat too unbearable. (I had to lower my beardie’s lights a bit during these 100+ degree days to keep his basking spot at 99.)

Check on friends, neighbors, and other outdoor pets you might be aware of. A disposable bowl filled with water might save some outdoor dog’s life.

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