Why Buy When You Can Do It Yourself?

Mar 31, 2012 03:42

Originally published at Harmonic Pets. Please leave any comments there.

When I go shopping for my birds (or any of my other pets, or heck, even myself), I’m always on the lookout for the things that I can buy or make myself. After all, why should I spend money when it’s something I can do myself? I’m pretty good at making my own candles, for example, and I have the supplies to make bath and body products, which means unless it’s something pretty specific, or like the nummy ZumBar soaps I bought from iherb.com, I have to weigh the benefits of making it or buying it for myself.

But there can be some benefits to buying something similar to what you usually make. For instance, there’s generally a time savings. If you’re at an event, or browsing a website, purchasing the item and then having it come pre-made, even if you do have to wait for shipping, means you’re saving your time. That’s worth something!

There’s also the joy of treating yourself. Take those ZumBars I bought. I’ve been luxuriating every morning in the shower with the scent of patchouli and citrus, and it’s been worth every penny I spent and then some. It’s the experience. Of opening the box, the excitement of getting mail that’s just for you, smelling the soap, sharing the scent with others ‘Honey, come smell this! Doesn’t it smell heavenly?”, of seeing what freebies or samples may have been packaged in the order…it’s all a treat from the very experience of getting the box to using the product.

For our pets, there’s also the variety. Our birds have such subtle and wonderful taste buds. They can pick out each individual seed. No doubt, if you make “birdy bread” at home, but then buy a mix or a pre-made muffin set or loaf, that your parrot will enjoy even the slightest different taste. You’ve presented your feathered companion with variety, which is the spice of life for all species! Plus, there may be something different in what you purchased compared to what you do. I could, for example, mix up cinnamon, raisins, rice, and a few other things and cook it for my birds, and I have. Or, I could purchase something “store bought”. The mix is slightly different, and so, too, is the variety that I’m now offering.

It’s also a good way to try something. Want to know what your bird will eat? Buy a small sample size and see before investing in large amounts of things you might not use yourself. Thinking about baking “birdie bread”, but not quite sure you want to invest in ingredients, the time, and the energy of cooking…buy some from a vendor at the next show and try it out.

We do want to be savvy with our money and make what we can. I know I find it very enjoyable to make food for my parrots, and others do, too. But I also get that same joy by purchasing things that are different and new to them, or simply repeats of an old, but unused for a while, favorite. Not only will you be treating yourself, but you’ll also be treating your pet. Or maybe, if you’re buying soap, then you’re just treating yourself. Either way, it’s all good. *smiles*

parrot care, money $avers, open letters

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