My Bearded Dragon Is A Picky Eater!

Mar 09, 2012 16:14

Originally published at Harmonic Pets. Please leave any comments there.

Before Kimba went into brumation last October, he ate anything bug-wise that was put in front of him. B. dubia roaches - Chomp! Superworms - yum!yum!yum! (The pic to the left is of him chomping a superworm.) So, imagine my surprise when he woke up and didn’t dive head-first into his food bowl. Oh he’s been eating. Weighing him after each soaking shows that his weight has held pretty steady. Temps and lighting are good with a brand new Reptisun 10.0 UVB bulb in February. But he’s just become a picky eater.

So how do you handle a beardie who is a picky eater?

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b. dubia, feeding, beardie care

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