(no subject)

Nov 09, 2007 23:54

Wordcount: 23, 079

And 3.5k of that was written today. XD

Generic update post: school still sucks, got 15 hours of sleep in the last two days, and about eleven of that was last night. Yeeeeah. Got lots of English homework to do, but not so much for my other classes. Even the AP class -- go figure.

In other news -- back to getting 100% on book reviews, despite not reading most of the book and BSing most of them at the last minute. WHICH is to say on the last day, because I DID put thought into them. Sometimes I actually think BSing is harder, because you've got less to work with... But doing the actual reading takes more time, so I guess it's even. Meh.

Went to the school play, my sister's dating a jock, and I have a three-day weekend. I'm shooting for 30k by Tuesday, which I should get if I write as much tomorrow and Sunday as I did today, and that leaves Monday for beating the 30k and doing homework. Ahehe, yeah. Anyways.

Walden is kinda really very boring. Like, I like Thoreau's IDEAS are great, but damn I hate how the guy says 'em. Would totally read the Sparknotes or Cliffnotes of this book for fun. Logan wants us to do a critical review of it, which I'm not too thrilled about. Can't wait to see what crap my classmates put out for that. [/sarcasm]

I think I'm going to start updating daily on school days with a brief summary of something I learned in each class. Mainly so that I can review easier, and think about that stuff at home. I'll keep it under cuts, though, so I won't gunk up any flists.

Anyway, sleep now. Chore tomorrow, blegh. I hate Saturdays.

nanowrimo, real life

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