Well at least he has values...

Nov 03, 2004 23:26

What the fuck happened? Another four years of crap? Another four years of hearing: "The jury is still out on Evolution and Global Warming?" Yeah, were fucked. When given the choices of: Health-Care, Jobs, and Security... people voted against gay marriage, or for 'values?' The values which cut veteran's benefits, the same security policy which tried to stop the creation of the 911 Commission? Fucking incredible.

This is going to be a real pile of shit.

Again, I wouldn't be surprised to see the draft reinstated if we go on another military adventure, or if things become even worse in Iraq. If there's a civil war there, and we "stay the course," that means we will need more troops. Where are we gonna get them from? We don't have enough as it is.

I might be wrong, but things don't look better.

Fuck it anyways. Hopefully I can loose my virginity before we all get drafted. Yeah, that's it. It'll all be cool.
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