If you've got a few ideas for fishwish fics - Artemis Fowl fic ideas which you want someone *else* to write - post them here.
Anything is fair game. If you want an obscure ship, an obscure crossover fanfiction, or something not obscure at all which you want anyway... here is the place to get it. You can request up to four fishwish. And even if you're not writing for The Twelve Labours of Heracles you can post wishes here - maybe someone who is participating will share your love for that idea, and ask for it officially. Or you'll inspire someone else to fufill your ficcing desire, even if it is unofficial.
The current Fishlist can be found
dim_aldebaran, you haven't asked for any fishwish. Have you got any fishwish to add, or should I take your name off the Fishlist page?)