I'm annoyed. At those who annoy, and those who get annoyed.

Aug 23, 2005 00:05

This is the internet, for goodness sake.
Don't like it?


That shit pisses me off.
I was reading something off a community, and some dumb bitches were arguing over internet manners, stating opinions, and other bullshit.
What the fuck???

I personally don't give a rat's ass over what anyone would say to me. Not that anyone ever does, I don't instigate bullshit, that's kid status, and immature. But damn! Some people are ridiculous. It amazes me that people take offense to some random's strangers commentaries on the net, and that those offenders would actually take the time to insult someone...........

To the offenders of the net: You all are fucking idiots for iniatiting any sort of foul play on the web. This is a pastime for those who want to enjoy their resources. You think insulting others, is going to influence their lives? Grow the fuck up. Your pathetic. Go do something useful with your life. For all our sakes.

to those who are attacked: Don't take any negative commentaries to heart. If you are sensitive , and YES, some of you are, limit yourself from any position of vunerability. You're just fucking yourself.
Let's be realistic, everyone has their faults, but it doesn't help if your self-conscious, and you post a pic of yourself. There's bound to be some incompetent asshole. And yes, they will make negative comments. Do youself a favor- don't post the fucking picture in the first place!!!

Or, simply brush them bitches off, don't argue back. You are never going to meet girlcool4u2candy_applecotton, or whatever the fuck their name may be, so who gives a shit? The internet is a pastime, especially for 75% of those on livejournal. Nothing more.

I'm sure some of you will protest with this. You probably believe that those offenders should contain, even limit their opinions, and respect others, that it's all about the integrity. Here is my rationalization: IT'S THE FUCKING INTERNET PEOPLE! There is no common law for what we call respect and will never be. Anyone can say whatever the fuck they want, regardless of another's feeeelings. Period.

What a sad world we browse when it comes to this... all users for himself...survival of the fittest, even for simple enjoyment. You can't blog, seek advice, or simply develope interests on common grounds with other individuals without someone up your ass...

Isn't that a bitch??

And THAT folks, is my rant.
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