Pizza and moving

Nov 23, 2005 17:56

I don't feel like updating but i must.Let me frist say that i love my new job,subway can suck my ass right about now.I am getting much better hours,with better pay plus im not doing the same boring thing all day.It's the kind of work where my ADD comes in handy.Say im doing something and i get bored with it (like making dough for example) if i get bored i can move onto something like making pizzas or landing the pizzas.I can do this cause there is so much to be done and just the right amount of people that you dont really have time to sit down.Plus my boss's are really cool.Which is a major plus,i think another plus that my boss's are actually from this country and i would say they dont have funny accents but they do cause they are from Michigan,what the fuck.Other then that i have sworn of any road trips if i have work that day.I decied to go see James in Florida two Saturdays ago and i had work on Sunday at 6:00 we left at 11 thinking we would get me to work in time since it was a three hour drive,fuck no i was an hour late cause they landed a helicopter on the insterate in mississippi cause some moron decied to drive his red ford taurus into the trees.Then i went to Baton Rouge with Chad on Friday to see him mommy.I had work again for 6:00 as we were leaving Baton Rouge the raditaor in his brand new honda broke.Like broke broke.We had to get Ray to come meet us on the intersate and get it changed.I kept calling work begging them not to fire me they said it was cool.I finally got to work that evening at 9:50 ten mintues before we closed.It sucked cause i raced to work and i get there and my boss was laughing cause i saved the recipets and the broke radiator to show her that we weren't lieing.She just told me come back Saturday.So no more road trips for me.But there is a possiblity i will me moving with Chad to Baton Rouge in January.My mom is leaving to move to Virigna and when i mean moving i mean taking my dog and her shit and leaving my dad and me and Chad here.She is a fucking bitch.Long story behind this one that i don't feel like explaing but has to do with her getting a new job and us selling the house and me hating my dad and them filing for divorce so yea.If you want to know just email me.
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