So I birthdayed it up on Tuesday. Mom and I drove out to the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, which was cool 'cause the last time we went was in the summer and I was too sick to get out of the car :/ But it was SO pretty. Light mist, kinda windy & cool, overcast, not many people... all the good parts of Yosemite ;) (also, if you've never heard of it, you should Wiki the reservoir. It has a fascinating story.)
I made a resolution on my birthday, because it makes more sense to me to make 'em now than at New Years': I resolve to try to be a more positive person from now on. I'm so tired of being angry and stressed and unhappy all the time, not to mention the fact that I turn into an utter bitch and take my negative energy out on my friends, who deserve much better :/ And there's no reason for it; my life actually rocks pretty hard, when I stop to think about it. So there you go. 30 days to a nicer, friendlier Ees. Maybe. We hope.
I realized today, thinking about how wonderful this break has been, that I really do not care about SJC any more. Before, when I said I didn't care, it was in a teenage rebellion angsty kinda way; I didn't care about SJC in the same way I used to not care about what a jerk my dad was ;) But now that I'm dealing with things like finding a place to live, buying my first car, getting health insurance... Saint John's just seems way too insignificant to get my dander up. Who cares about Lobachevsky when I have to find a job? It was really very freeing (if detrimental to my homework) to realize that Saint John's is not my life and has no right to bear so heavily on my state of mind. I like to think this is my birthday resolution at work :)
Checking my flist just now, I came to the conclusion that my posts are possibly very boring. And perhaps not what you, my beloved Peanut Gallery, want to spend your precious free time reading. That said, this is stolen from
Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don't blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don't blog about, but you'd like to hear about, and I'll write a post about it.
(Seriously, guys, ask and ye shall receive. No holds barred. Comment anonymously if asking freaks you out.)