Feb 15, 2008 22:42
I have not updated this poor thing in forever. Part of that is because of Senior Paper, so that'll take up the bulk of this entry.
For those that don't know, I'm writing my senior thesis on Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter (and for anyone whose reaction was to cringe and wonder if I'm a nutter, well, I am, but try to realize that the way you read it in highschool was fucked and completely destroyed the incredible beauty of the book). My title is The Scaffold and the Forest: Society, Nature and Hester Prynne.
The thing is due tomorrow at Midnight, but I'm very close to being done tonight. This is awesome, as you always hear stories about seniors pulling all-nighters and losing their shit the night before The Paper is due. I feel as though this is a small victory for me :)
So if this gets accepted (and it better damn well be), I'll be outta here in May. Three more months in a place I've been for four years... it's a scary thought. However, I'm planning on staying in Santa Fe.
You probably all think I'm a nutter (again), but I have my reasons. I want to stay where Brandon is. I have a job and a home lined up at least for summer, if not after that. I DON'T want to go to grad school; not yet, anyway. I don't really know what I want to do, and I need a break from being a student for a while. That doesn't mean I won't be learning; I'm planning to take a course at the community college next year. I, er, want to learn Japanese.
Before anyone jumps down my throat for being one of THOSE anime fans, I'd like to say that this is honestly more about the language for me. I've actually always wanted to learn it, and I'm very good at picking up languages. Also, and this is more something to keep in the back of my head, having done four years of translation classes here at SJC, I've found I'm really interested in that art. Who knows?
So yeah, I'm movin' on up.
Other little things: Brandon and I will have been together for a year on Sunday. Yay us! Um... wow, except for paper, my life is kinda boring right now.
One last thing. I'd really like to start using this journal much more, for myself if for nobody else. This means that my entries will probably get a lot more personal. Never into the TMI range, but it may end up being a lot of boring crap about my daily life. I'm not one of those cool people who posts videos and junk :/