Nov 13, 2004 19:50
ahhh reason why im feelin crappy:
so im thinkingtomyself, what the heckelse am i gonna do on a saturday night? why not reminice my sixteen year old days when i liked ska, and go see the untouchables/english beat?????/////////////////////
themore i thought about it, the M O R E i wanted to go. i mean its only 5 mins away. who cares if i have no one to go with? anyway,i just called and its sold out!!
who the heck goes to see the english beat? i ask.
crap. i really wanted to go. who would have thought it would sell out. who sells out? crap.
alsdkfja;sldgjawr;ogihw ;govaiknsd;flk jnr;oiawrhjg;oqwirgo;iehgvbo;iahdb;aoihfb;od