Dec 31, 2007 13:28
Yesterday was such an exciting day...I'm a bit worn out from it all, haha~! Like I've already met three different versions of Sonic! (They all seem the same to me so far...but I still need to come up with names to keep them apart.)
So many people, I'm sure I can find something to do before I...find a way out. Shadow said he would... That this isn't a good place for me... But I don't mind, really! He's just looking out for me, like he always does. I'm meeting so many new people, and I am on Earth. I haven't been here since I was little, so I never remember anything but what I've been told. I can't wait until all the snow is gone, and then everything will bloom and be beautiful again~! I'd like to stay until then, at least.
Oh, Sally--you said something in my last post that I never got a reply back to...? I'm sure you've just gotten your story mixed up somewhere along the line, that's all. Or you're from another universe; that could always be it. Nobody would attack the ARK.
And some of you people I know must be just confused. Shadow's friendly enough! I'm sure any of you people with some bad experiences with him must have only caught him on a bad day. He's a very sweet kind of guy.
...Or he was when I last saw him, before all of this.
sally acorn,