I started it as a game. Its fun to play. I love playing it, but I can still differentiate between it and real life. Some people are getting WAYYY too into it. Ok yeh, its fun we get it, doesent mean you have to talk about it every winking second of the day.
I started my clan as basically, hey, lets all have a clan for jones kids, more specifically people in our Java Class. So we did. only about 6 people in the Clan arent in my java class. It was fun, we first saved up for a calandar, got a meat tree, then came Pedditto. I give the guy credit, he decided to go up against us, the way I see it, ok, now our clan has a funner purpouse aside of just being there, were here to prove that we can be better than any clan that pedditto could ever make. It was never about whos cooler in real life, it was all about friendly rivalry.
Everything started off great, we had meat commin in, we reached the 24 member mark, and defenses were set up for the attackig, whenever pedditto's clan began. So to break the wait, we decided to break some hippy stones and get into some PvP. Those were good times, it was all attacking, and winning, and sometimes loosing, but it was fun.
Then their clan was created. So to warm up i attacked some vegitarian clan and won....but what did I win...a damn goody bag that costs 1000 meat....and you cant even sell it. It was then that I realized a clan battle couldnt decide who was better, a massive PvP fight couldnt tell who was better, there was no way to tell the better clan. By this time, Robert had left us and joined them. I told him about it and he knew that there was no way to prove one suerior to the other past who can purchase the most goodie bags (unfair because its 22 people donating meat vs 6 people).
Then it began, their giant big master plan.
Little girl(alegedly a spy for geoff) was banned by me, because eddie showed me some AIM text that geoff sent to eddie telling him that she was gonna be a spy for him. I quickly found out that she had in fact gotten in a fight with geoff because she didn't want to be involved in such shit. I quickly appologized and accepted her back in. Plot 1 foiled.
The second strike was a hurtful one, but a fully acceptable one. Curtis left the clan ato them. Before doing so, he decided to completely empty out our stash, I mean he took everything. Everyone was ourtraged, except me. Though petty as it may be, I was partially to blame for trusting everyone with no karma, and he was looked down upon for taking advantage of my trust. After several hours and no acceptance into their clan, Curtis came back, and put back all our stuff + lots of his, to prove that he was sorry. Plot 2 foiled.
The third strike was not intentional, but partially to blame from conflicting attitudes. Adam never donated, always took, and never gave anythign back. We fought amungst each other for a while, pedditto and his clan had a field day. Through it all, we only lost 1 member, we still stood our ground.
The fourth was the worst of all, not because it was mean, but because it was an actual violation. Robert managed to log in as Chewy, proud member of my clan(they arent the only clan with eyes around the school. Even though not everyone in band plays KoL, doesent mean i never talk to them or ask them for favors:p). He looged in as him, and began to empty out our clan again, something that had happend not 30 hours earlier. Luckily, the bell rang and he could not finish, and I blocked him from taking any more and saved any items begining with the letter g-z. Had chewy himself done it, it would have been my fault for trusting yet someone else, but it wasnt. It was accross the line. I have no problem with people robbing my stash and leaving, if thats really their intention to rob clans, then thats their intention and I jsut shouldnt be too nice, but this wasnt chewy doing it. That was across the line. So plot 2 1/2 foiled.
The point is, The Brotha-hood (I think) as they are called exist for one purpous (straight from geoff after I talked to him after school), to Disband THE ESTABLISHMENT (thats us). They plan to do it by any means possible, spying on us, taking members from us, and taking all our items from us. The problem is, you cant disband a clan that doesent want to be disbanded. If they do eventually rob all our stash, no one would really care, because we still have a full gym, meat tree, trollbooth, and calandar, and It is still a cool place for us to hang out and play a fun video game. We have at least 6 members that will not leave, not because they enjoy our large stash, but because they enjoy just hanging out, playing games, and having fun.
So we already won.
If you cant break us apart, then your clan looses its original purpouse, and each can go their own way; and if for some reason your clan sticks around after 3 more weeks (the game has to eventually loose its appeal to jones), then you have learned what a real clan is about, hanging out and having fun.
At the end of the day, even though I banned Adam from the clan, even though robert hijacked an account, I'll still hang out with the two because its just a game. It's not that serious.
I can't believe i just tried to teach a lesson through an online video game. Geeky +30