Dec 25, 2004 16:10
1. Are you a writer of poetry, or principally a reader?
In regards to poetry: read manic writer; whereas my reading is reserved for periods when my laptop's
battery is charging, or when I'm eating spaghetti. P.S never ask to borrow a book as half the pages are stuck.
2. Did you ever take courses specifically in the writing or study of poetry in college or high
school (as opposed to general literature surveys)?
I was never one for English related topics in the chalk filled classrooms. Too busy reading comics.
3. Do you buy/read poetry magazines or chapbooks? Anthologies of past great poets?
I purchase four to five poetry books a year. But the Internet is my mainstay for the definition of contemporary poetry.
4. Do you attend poetry readings, either as a reader or audience member?
Relationship commitments prevent me attending local meetings. Girlfriends can be so distracting
at times.
5. If a writer of poetry, have you ever published your work in hard-copy, such as a magazine or
chapbook? Do you publish or post your work on the web?
I've yet to forward my scribblings to a publisher on the grounds that I've yet to finish a piece. I do frequent
poetry forums and post from time to time.
6. Have you ever written any articles, essays, or analyses of poetry? If so, would you be willing to
present them to this community to stimulate discussion?
I've written several minor articles over the years. I'd be happy to contribute.
7. Why exactly do you like poetry? What does it do to you?
I have no affinity with a brush or knowledge of the spectrum, so finding that I can paint with a pen and colour the spectators mind, as it were, is pleasure to my canvas.
8. Who are your favourite poets? If a writer, do these same poets influence your style, or are there others?
Billy Collins. To be honest there's no other writer who has so dramatically influenced my work.
9. What "schools" or styles of poetry appeal to you most? Why?
Freestyle prose. I loath the shackle of constraints.
10. What distinguishes a good poem? What must be present in a poem to make it "work" or resonate
for you?
'To say the most with the fewest of words and with the greatest of meaning. 'Blah!' You might say, but its
11. There are some people who fill up notebooks with hundreds of poems, yet could not properly be
called poets, and there are others who, no matter how little they write, very clearly deserve the epithet "poet." What makes a poet?
This is a tough one. A blind stubbornness never to accept that what other people see and express is the only condiment on the table of life.
12. What sort of topics would you like to see discussed in the about_poetry community?
Here's my list of topics / questions which could be discussed / debated:
a] Choose a published piece of work and post it [past or present, it matters not], noting copyright laws, and, well, comment.
b] General tips on writing and critiquing poetry.
c] should the omission of punctuation ever be acceptable in poetry
d] Should the subject matter of 'Rape,' 'paedophilia,' be acceptable
topics in poetry.
e] Is 'Rap' modern day poetry with music thrown in to entertain the
juvenile masses.
f] Is there such a thing as 'Decent' Goth poetry.
g] At what point in a writers life can they be defined as a poet.