Spartacus. The true story

Mar 23, 2005 15:25

Spartacus. The true story

This bears no reference to the 1960's film staring Kirk Douglas, where the slave Spartacus leads a violent revolt against the decadent Roman empire. This is the true story as to why, according to recently discovered historical archives by an hitherto unknown scribe, Spartacus lost his final battle due to a lack of sandle inserts and so ended the slaves revolt.

Apparently, Spartacus was a Thracian by birth, and although thick set he wasn't the tallest of chaps, so to inspire his men he would ride into battle on a beautiful white stallion. However, prior to the final battle, he is scribed as saying, "This is it men. Victory or slavery!" At which point Spartacus dismounted and slit the horses throat, adding, "I'll have no need of a horse as a slave, but victorious, they'll be many to choose on the field." He then stood behind his most bravest of Thracian gladiators, chosen for their above average height and colourful head plumes, and rallied his men.

The scribes final comments make interresting reading, and are, in themselves, reveling as to Spartacus's demise:

"Do I need to send in the reserves?" Jump!!! "Are we winning?" Jump!!!

The rest, as they say, is history.

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