Notes: Typing Japanese on Microsoft Word

Aug 11, 2020 00:09

Again, notes for my reference.

Note 1: How to type 続きの "づ"
- On keyboard, input "tsuduki"

Note 2: How to type the "dot" in the middle of words like "トム・クルーズ
- Type:- tomunakagurokuruuzu (insert word "nakaguro" after 1st word)

Note 3: If you want hiragana for the word, type the word and press the “Enter” key. For example, type ‘neko’ and press the “Enter” key for ‘ねこ’.

Note 4: If you want katakana for the word, type the word in hiragana and press “F7” key. The hiragana word will change into highlighted katakana word. If it’s correct, press the “Enter” key to confirm.

Note 5: If you need Roman capital letters such as ‘CD’ and ‘NSW’, press the “Shift” key while you type the desired letters.

Note 6: For small ‘ァ・ィ・ゥ・ェ・ォ’ type ‘x’ or ‘l’ before each vowel. For example type ‘xa’ or ‘la’ for small ‘ァ’ and ‘xo’ or ‘lo’ for small ‘ォ’. These small ‘ァ・ィ・ゥ・ェ・ォ’ are used for writing foreign words such as ‘ファーム - farm’ , ‘ウェブ - web’ and ‘フォード - Ford’.
・You can use ‘x’ or ‘l’ for small ‘ゃ・ゅ・ょ’as well. For example type ‘xya’ or ‘lya’ for small ‘ゃ’ and ‘xyo’ or ‘lyo’ for small ‘ょ’. But you don’t usually need to use this because these small ‘ゃ・ゅ・ょ’ are used in contracted sounds such as ‘きゃ’ and ‘にゃ’. See “Table 2” for how to type these.
・Some people use ‘ヴ’ for the ‘v’ sound such as ‘ヴィクトリア - Victoria’ and ‘ヴィオラ - viola’. Type ‘vu’ for ‘ヴ’.

Note 7: Adding furigana on kanji
- Highlight the kanji, click on "Phonetic Guide" on Microsoft Word ribbon, click OK on the pop-up once the hiragana reading of the kanji confirmed.

Note 8: Key combination in Microsoft Word for multi purpose.

  • Alt + Shift switch between languages (IMEs)
  • Ctrl + Caps Lock switch to Hiragana
  • Alt + Caps Lock if in alphanumeric mode change to Hiragana, then switch to Katakana
  • Shift + Caps Lock switch between full-width Hiragana ↔ full-width alphanumeric (romaji)
  • Alt + ` (Grave Accent) switch between kana ↔ half-width alphanumeric (romaji)
  • Alt + ~ (Tilde) toggle kana/direct input
  • ↵ Enter no conversion, all previous characters are accepted "as is" (all propositions from IME are rejected)
  • Space convert current word (last characters) to the first word in the list of proposals
  • 2 3 4 5 6 convert to the 2-6th word in the list
  • F6 convert selected word/characters to full-width hiragana (standard hiragana): ホワイト → ほわいと
  • F7 convert to full-width katakana (standard katakana): ほわいと → ホワイト
  • F8 convert to half-width katakana (katakana for specific purpose): ホワイト → ホワイト
  • F9 convert to full-width romaji, all-capitals, proper noun capitalization (latin script inside Japanese text): ホワイト → howaito → HOWAITO → Howaito
  • F10 convert to half-width romaji, all-capitals, proper noun capitalization (latin script like standard English): ホワイト → howaito → HOWAITO → Howaito

learn, japanese, notes

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