Mar 12, 2006 21:49
Ask me a question about any or each of the following:
1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. Livejournal
No matter how rude, sexual, or confidential.
Then post this in your journal and see what questions you get asked.
And I'll screen the questions };) }:P...
But ask away people!!!
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Comments 6
1. Is there someone in your friendsgroup which you don't really trust?
2. Ever doubted yourself of being gay, bisexual or straight? (any of these) if so, why?
3. Which band do you concider simply pimpalicious? And which band do you think is barf-a-rendous?
4. Ever went to far in testing? Did you ever test at all?
5. Do you believe in "Marriage" still, concidering what it means these days? (example: "What does marriage mean to you?" "It's tax-technically less of a burden!".. my point exactly).
6. Could you post a completely insane/funny home-made photo on your livejournal, just for the hoot of it?
1. Yeah...
2. Nope, allways knew I was straight... But in a way everyone is bisexual }:P... I'd never be able to fall in love with a guy but I have kissed one once }:P...
3. At teh moment I'm listening a lot to ATREYU (with thnx to Wallie *mumbleassholemumble*) but I really hate 50 cents at the moment...
4. Nope, never went too far... Have passed out once or twice... Most wacky thing I've done up untill now was speed }:P... But that was fun for an evening...
5. At the moment I'm still having difficulty with believing in love... Little fucked up... But yes I do believe in marriage... Will I get married myself one day? Dunnow anymore...
6. I have a lot of insane/funny pictures of me on my LJ... But I'll post some more soon!
2. kun je je voorstellen dat je ooit voor het laatst van je leven klaar gaat komen?
3. welke muziek wil je het niet van toegeven dat je het tof vindt?
4. wat zijn voor jou geen drugs?
5. bestaat liefde vanuit de natuur?
6. hoeveel lj's heb je?
2. Yeah, want ik wil wippend ten onder gaan!
3. Ik vind echt heel veel dingen tof, en geef het ook toe ook }:P...
4. Alles is een drug als je het een beetje erg breed bekijkt...
5. Bestaat liefde zoiezo... Maar hoe bedoel je het eigenlijk? Dat bomen verliefd kunnen worden op mensen ofzo? Zou wel die boomknuffelende hippies verklaren...
6. 1. Tenminste dit is mijn tweede livejournal... Mijn oude had ik iets van 3 jaar terug ofzo gedelete... Ik heb deze LJ al bijna 3 jaar al }:D! En daarvoor had ik een deadjournal }:P...
1. are your friends weirder then me ??
2. do you love to fuck squirrels ??
3. can you dance like a parrot ??
4. did you ever use hard drugs ??
5. are you in love ??
6. do you know all of your livejournal friends ??
1. I have some pretty weird friends... Noones werider then the other }:)... Everyone has their own special weirdness!
2. Ehmz... I'd never fuck an animal }:P... But if a woman would be named squirrel then sure why not }:D!
3. I dunnow... Never tried... Maybe next time we'll meet up I'll try }:P...
4. Yepz...
5. At the moment no... It'll probably be a long time before I ever fall in love again...
6. I know most of em }:)... Not all of em... Some people I'd like to meet IRL }:P...
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