Thoughts on Wisconsin

Feb 18, 2011 09:53

 Ari Fleischer was on CNN yesterday complaining about the "sweetheart" deal that public sector workers union workers get, having only to pay a fraction of what people in the private sector have to pay for such things as health care and retirement, and Don Lemon to his credit mentioned that public sector workers generally get paid a lower salary than their privately employed peers; but alas he misses the point. In fact I don't think I see anyone making the point that perhaps it's not the fault of the union worker that they actually get good benefits, perhaps it's the fault of those of us in private employ that we don't demand similar benefits. Could most large corporations stand to lose a few points in profit margin in order to provide for the general well being of their community and employees? I think so. In the absence of a national health care system, isn't that the way it should work?

politics, unions

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