gay gay gay, gay gay, gay

Feb 08, 2007 08:38

i would just like to say stop wasting my time. i don't care about all the bull shit. i didn't ask to be in the middle of anything and i don't want to be. i have other things, much bigger things, to worry about. if you don't want to be friends with me, i don't care. don't use me as some sort of leverage against someone else. ever. if you have, i truely feel sorry for you. you are pathetic and i don't want your bad energy around me. so, no, i don't want to be your friend. and you know what? i don't care if you talk about me and i don't care if you write in your little private blogs about me because this is so fucking high school i feel like i should be writing this in a note and waiting for the bell to ring tso i can scoot off to my locker. grow up bitches.
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