Two/Three Things

May 19, 2006 20:02

This is a Pretty Megan-esque entry.
      Two narcissistic things that made my day:

1. We were discussing Arthur Miller and The Crucible in theater history. Fr. Zampelli lectured, "And then from 1956-1961 were the Marilyn Monroe years.." 
    Natasha interjected, "The Meaghan Sloane years". I beamed.

2. Fr. Z. told us the next play we would read would be Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.  I pouted to Scotty, my gbff, "I want to play Maggie the Cat!!"
    "Oh, what a surprise," he winked, "Meaghan Sloane wants to play a sexual role!"

There is this other incident that did not make my day but is amusing nonetheless:
 3. I accidentally meowed in class. I got so excited that Fr. Zampelli quoted Kazan's wife that I thrust my arm in the air and meowed. Everyone, everyone laughed, because they're all familiar with my feline tendencies.  Fr. Z. looked bewildered.
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