Title: The King's Man Pairing: Chanhee/Byunghun Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five Disclaimer: They belong to Andy, not me.
I just found this after visiting the teen top fanworks lj for the first time in almost 2 months, and this, this is amazing.
I love the context, your style of writing is fantastic, and the plot is just so interesting:) I'm absolutely drawn by your portrayal of everyone, Byunghun and Jonghyun especially (the roles they play are interesting, Jonghyun as the protector and Byunghun as the charge. Its a concept that I've never seen before.)
Chanhee sounds complex, the queen Minjung is scary. Minsoo is interesting as well. There so many points to this fic that I adore, I can't list them all in a single comment, sorry:/
I'll be following this as closely as I can, thank you so much writing this, it's beautiful.
Can't believe i just finished reading chapter 6. I just started reading this (minutes ago) and there are lot of events already. I'm really hooked to this story. Can't help but to comment on every chapter. Haha <3
Wonder what's between minsoo and jonghyun O.o and chanhee is just adorkable~ how he noticed Minsoo and his sleeping ways kekeke...
Comments 5
I wonder what are the names for~
Thank you for updating~~<3
I love the context, your style of writing is fantastic, and the plot is just so interesting:) I'm absolutely drawn by your portrayal of everyone, Byunghun and Jonghyun especially (the roles they play are interesting, Jonghyun as the protector and Byunghun as the charge. Its a concept that I've never seen before.)
Chanhee sounds complex, the queen Minjung is scary. Minsoo is interesting as well. There so many points to this fic that I adore, I can't list them all in a single comment, sorry:/
I'll be following this as closely as I can, thank you so much writing this, it's beautiful.
and there are lot of events already. I'm really hooked to this story.
Can't help but to comment on every chapter. Haha <3
Wonder what's between minsoo and jonghyun O.o
and chanhee is just adorkable~ how he noticed Minsoo and his sleeping ways kekeke...
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