AN Unexpected Guest

Oct 12, 2009 19:50

I was quite surprised yesterday to get an unexpected knock on my door.

When I investigated, I found amused_bouche had taken it upon himself to drop by and see how I was doing. I totally enjoyed your visit, my friend. Thank you.

He did scold me lightly about not posting here, and that I should let my friends know what is going on with me.

He's right: I should.

In the plainest terms possible, I am broke and losing my house.

My retirement failed last September, when the markets went under; and though I've been working hard to both gain massage clients and find regular work, I have been unable to make enough to pay my mortgage, and I am now in the position of coughing up 135k that I don't have, or moving. As these things go, apparently, I can't actually know when I have to be out until it's time for me to be out (note: *every* bad thing you've heard about mortgage companies, predatory lenders, etc. is totally true - and there's other bad things you don't hear about, as well (for example, they lie)), so I am packing, putting things in storage, thinking of what I can sell, what I can send to my daughter, what I can give away, trying to be ready to jump on the instant.

I am going to attempt a short-sale of the house, which has advantages and disadvantages; don't know that I know enough to sort them out yet. One advantage of a short-sale is it MIGHT mean I won't have to be out as early as November 4....

I don't know where I'll move to; I have no idea what state my credit will be when all is said & done, but I'm fairly sure it's shot already. A few more months may help me get more clients or find some work that will let me rent a place and still buy food. Right this moment, I'm fairly cheerful, but things are bleak. I promised myself I'd post no emo stuff, and yet the truth is my mood is shaky; some days are very difficult to get through & I feel overwhelmed a lot. I'm 58, I've been retired for 17-18 years. Except for bodywork, my skills are all out-of-date, or self-taught. I have no insurance, no unemployment, no social security. Kind of a miracle I'm still able to get online & post. Not surprising that I feel scared, helpless, hopeless a lot. If it weren't for , I don't know if I'd still be functional and breathing.

So that's going on with me. If I've seemed distant this last year, chalk it up to barely-controlled panic and acute embarrassment: I haven't been trying to shut you out - I just didn't know what to say....
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