cl0udy th0ughts !~

Dec 16, 2003 23:00

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

I was a lil' bored so i figured that i would update & o a il quiz....

m0nday ... I f0und out i passed my AlgebrA 2 *s0l* with a *560* so i was happy about that .. & i had to take my bi0logy 3rd bl0ck wasn't bad .. i g0t a *510* on it ... so i'm n0t complainin' ne ! then later on the nite our lil 6 & 7 th grade girls hada game ... they played the boys.. they l0st but it's ok.. we still have to work on a few things...
t0day!.. i d0n't think that i d0ne ne thing at school... but o well... i had to work the Varsity girls & b0ys basketball games ... i worked them with whit so it wasn't bad at all ... except i missed half of the b0ys game & i really wanted t0 watch that game ! but other than that i have had a pretty borin' week so far ... hopefully it gets better as i goes on...

n0thin' but l0ve !


the lo0k in your eyes tell me 0ne thing, but the acti0ns say an0ther - - > which 0ne am i supp0sed t0 g0 by! ??? pleAse tell me s0mething - - > cause it is abs0lutely killing mE!
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