Dec 17, 2003 21:20
To alL mY frIends *
Anna . * - your the best ever paL i don't know what i'd do without you * hope you had a GrEaT birthday and many more to come . * you have been there through it alL honestly ALL & you know i'll always be there for you jus' the same ! I know we haven't really had a lot of <3 2 <3's here lately . and don't don't get to hang out quite as much w/ my sports and your schooL.. but trust me sister NOTHING will ever change between us ! no matter what ! I'll ALWAYS Love you * =)
Sierra . * wow . lately we have gotten closer & closer ! your the greatest gaL * our talks at schooL and lunch ! shew , havin' to sit in the flOor * hehe * We have had our deff. share of arguements and lil disputes ! but they alwayz turn out for the best & brought us closer then ever ! & then alL the lil' boy problems * hehe ! you know i'll be there for you no matter what ! I love you sis * = )
HaLeY . * Hehe ! my REAL sister ! TwIn I love you to death ! we have actually been able to talk some here lately*
I felt soo great ! Even if i did have to sleep w/ you to talk to you ! hehe ! your the gReAtEsT siser ne one could ask for ! i LOVE you * :o)
SILK . * where are you paL! we haven't talked in like 145238392765 yearS ! shew you need to get on here !
BrIttany Shortridge . * My NEW friend ! I love making new friends ! YOu seem really cooL ! hope we can become closer friends in the future Especially if you are commin' to CoEbUrN! Hurrray ! hehe * = )
Brieann & Andrea . * Love you 2 ~
& last but definitely not least !
. M i c H a e L . Shew - i don't even know where to start * Honestly i don't think that i have been happier ! You are the bEsT eVeR * We have been datin a lil over a month and it has been sooo gReAt ! Hope we can make it last*
~ sorry * it has been so long since my last update and i know this ain't really an update ! BUT .. be happy w/ what ya got * hehe ! Love ya'll !
CoMmEnT !
- h e o -
- heo + mah . *