Mary Sue?

Apr 08, 2005 19:00

The three main ladies of my story, which I've been vaguely working on for years and years but keep revising and never finishing. Alas.
Sera - Bold
Kiel - Italics
Yeru- Underline

* Is the character named after you? (10, automatic Mary Sue.)
* Is the character's name an unusual spelling of a more common name or word? (1) Sera is actually derived from Serenity, which was her original name, and I later changed it to Seranne. Yeru comes from the Japanese word "Yoru"
* Is the character's name unusual in another way? (1) Kiel is a province/city/ican'tremember in Germany. It was originally Kael.
* Reversed gender name (a woman with a male sounding name, or vice versa) (1)
* A name the character chose for him or herself? (1)
* A noun or adjective not normally used for a name? (1, 2 if the character is human)
* Does the character have a really cool name that you wish you had? (1)
* Is the character's name the title of the story, or is the title a description of the
character? (i.e., "The Girl Who Could Fly") (3) What do you think SKY stands for?
* Is the character's name Hunter, Raven, any gemstone, or any variation on 'Angel' or 'Demon?' (i.e., Cherub, Angelica, Desdemona) (4)
* Is the character's name that of any real-world mythical figure? (1)
* Did you spend more than a day looking for just the right name? (1)
* Did you spend no time at all looking for the right name, because all of your characters have the same name? (2)
* And it's yours? (10 again. Bad, bad writer.)
* Have you considered naming your child, your pet, or yourself after the character? (1)

SECTION 2: Here's Lookin' At You

* Is the character the same gender as you? (1)
* Is the character any non-human race? (1)
* Is the character a hybrid of two or more species? (3)
* Is the character a cross-breed of any other type? (i.e., multi-ethnic, multi-clan) (1)
* Is the character not subject to limitations normally put upon members of his or her species? (i.e., a human who is immortal, a vampire who does not die at dawn, a fairy who is not vulnerable to iron) (4)
* Is the character subject to the limitations of his or her species, but does not receive any of the benefits? (i.e., a fairy who cannot do magic, a vampire who cannot exert mystical control over his or her victims, etc) (-4, only -1 if this situation is removed by the end of the story)
* Is the character a teenager or in his or her early twenties? (1)
* Does the character LOOK like he or she is a teenager or in his or her early twenties, even though he or she is not? (2)
* Does this become a plot point? (1)
* Is your character the age you would like to be? (1)
* Is the character beautiful or handsome? (1)
* VERY beautiful or handsome? (1)
* Do one or more of your other characters find this character immediately extremely attractive? (1)
* Do other characters see the character as a threat due to his or her extreme good looks or effect on those of the opposite sex? (2)
* Is the character plain? (-2)
* Is this commented on by other characters who are not motivated by jealousy? (-1)
* Is this changed somehow by the end of the story? (2)
* Is the character ugly? (-3)
* Is this commented on by other characters who are not motivated by jealousy? (-1)
* Is this changed somehow by the end of the story? (3)
* Is the character overweight? (-3)
* Is this commented on by other characters who are not motivated by jealousy? (-1)
* Is this changed somehow by the end of the story? (4)
* Does the character have a non-standard eye color for no good reason (such as species)? (2)
* Does this become a plot point? (2)
* Are the character's eyes emerald green, pure blue, or warm brown? (1)
* Do they change color when the character is feeling profound emotion? (1)
* Does the character have really nice hair that you describe more than once? (1) .
* Is the character's hair raven black, pure white, gold, or flaming red? (1) She's albino.
* Does the character have notably golden, dusky, or pale skin? (1)
* Does the character have an accent that you do not share? (1)
* Because the story takes place somewhere where everyone has that accent? (-1)
* Is the character's voice exceptionally attractive or dulcet? (1)
* Does the character have a strange scar or marking (such as a tattoo) that is noticed by another character? (1)
* Is the character deaf, mute, or both? (1)
* Is this changed somehow by the end of the story? (3)
* Is the character otherwise physically disabled? (-2) She's blind.
* Is the character mentally challenged? (-2)

SECTION 3: History

* Is the character the long-lost child or decendant of anybody? (2) Reincarnation. And everyone should know that Kiel is Sera's daughter.
* Of another character? (5)
* Was the character adopted, or otherwise not raised by his or her own parents? (1)
* Is the character the last surviving member of any species, organization, or family? (1)
* Add points for each aspect seen somewhere during the character's life:
- abandoned by caregivers (1)
- born or forced into slavery (1)
- born or raised in extreme poverty (1)
- sole survivor of a calamity (2)
- physical abuse (2)
- sexual abuse by a caregiver (3)
- rape (3)
- member of a despised or pariah class or race (1, 2 if the story focuses on overcoming this)
- illigitimate birth (2)
- parent of an illigitimate child (1 each)
- any other life experience inspired by V.C. Andrews (3)
- death or death equivalent (3)
- resurrection from death (10)
* Does the character suffer from guilt about something terrible that he or she did in the past? (1)
* Do the other characters eventually convince him or her that it was not his or her fault? (1)
* IS it the character's fault? (-1) Sorta.
* Does the character share your religious beliefs? (1)
* Did the character have an unusual birth or an unusual experience in early infancy? (i.e., abducted, placed in a basket and set afloat, visited by Three Weirdos, etc.) (1) Sera was eight, actually, but she recieved power from two different entities. Yeru kicked out the living soul of her body and inhabited it.
* Does the character have a twin, a clone, or a sibling of the same gender? (2) See above.
* About whom you intend to write a story later? (2)
* Does the character have a very good singing voice? (2)
* Or play an instrument amazingly well? (2)
* Like the harp, the dulcimer, or any other antiquated instrument? (2)
* Does the character have better (that is, more sophisticated) taste in music than you do? (1)
* Does the character have the same profession you have? (1)
* Does the character have a profession you WISH you had? (1)
* Is the character royalty of any description? (3)
* And he or she doesn't know it? (3)
*Does everyone wind up liking the character? (1)
* Even though she's showing them up and correcting them all the time? (1)

SECTION 4: The Voodoo You Do

* Is the character any inherently magical race? (1) Sort of.
* Is the character extraordinarily powerful for a member of this race? (1)
* Does the character come from a different world or dimension? (Heaven and Hell count.) (1)
* Does the character, not being inherently magical by species, have magic anyway? (2)
* Did the character gain special powers upon reaching puberty? (1)
* Does the character have telekinesis or telepathy? (Twins count.) (2)
* Does the character just "know things?" (2)
* Can the character fly? (1)
* Without the aid of wings? (1)
* Can the character heal with a touch or a thought? (1)
* Do animals (particularly fuzzy ones) instincively like or respond to the character? (2)
* Does the character have a horse? (Substitute 'horse' for 'bird' or 'wolf' as needed) (1)
* A white horse? (1)
* A black horse? (1)
* That she can talk to? (1)
* And it talks back? (1)
* Only to the character? (1)
* Telepathically? (1)
* Does the character have a perceptible aura of power? (1)
* Of goodness? (1)
* Of evil? (-1)
* Is the character the smartest character in the story? (1)
* The best looking? (1)
* The most powerful? (1)
* The best fighter? (1)
* The only person from his or her village or culture or species to be trained in fighting? (2)
* Because he or she was just so talented? (1)
* That he or she was taken on by the super-talented master fighter? (1)
* Until he or she surpassed him? (2)

SECTION 5: The Love Connection

* Does the character fall in love with another character at some point in the story? (1) Sera denies it.
* With more than one character? (1)
* Does the character have sex with another character at some point in the story? (1) For Kiel and Yeru, lots and lots of times. XD
* With more than one character? (1 each)
* Does the character get married at any point? (1)
* Does the story end with the character's wedding? (2)
* Do all of the other characters attend? (2)

SECTION 6: The Real World

* Would you like to be friends with the character if you met in real life? (1)
* Would you dislike the character if you met them in real life? (-2) She's a pyscopathic bitch.
* Do you think everyone who reads the story should like the character? (1)
* If someone doesn't like the character, do you take it as a personal attack on you? (1)
* Do you ever pretend, if just to yourself, that you ARE the character? (1)

SECTION 7: The Fiendish Plot

* Is the character the main character of the story? (2)
* When the character is introduced, is he or she immediately, or after a few pages of tense plotting, admitted into the group of other characters? (1)
* Does the character manage to develop a relationship with an otherwise villanous character, and through this relationship, reform the other character? (2) Ugh, sort of.
* Does the villain became evil again after losing the character, but retain some last vestige of goodness, evidenced by one selfless action at the end of the story? (4)
* Is the character transformed into a magical being? (4)
* Is the character happier in his or her new form? (1)
* Do the other characters like the character better in his or her new form? (1)
* Do you wish you could be transformed, for the neat powers? (1)
* Does the character save the day, or another character's life? (2)
* Through magical intervention? (1)
* Through dying? (3)
* Through almost dying? (1)
* Does everyone go into mourning? (1)
* Does the character save a life by weeping over the recently expired corpse? (3)
* Do you plan to write more stories revolving around this character? (2)
* Do you plan to write more stories revolving around this character's children? (2) Kiel and Yeru are Sera's ancestors.



0-22 points: This is not a Mary Sue.
22-33 points: Borderline; could go either way depending on the author's skill.
34-45 points: Mary Sue. Proceed with the greatest caution.
46+ points: Reconsider your character and plot. Please

I believe they all scored around twenty. Unfortunately, I think the men are more Mary Sue then the girls. XD
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