Jan 25, 2007 12:04
Last week I received two tickets. At least I had my damn temporary license on me.
The first was for speeding on the freeway and the second was for turning a left where I wasn't supposed to. The second was received two or three days after the first and so I was looking out for the coppers when I decided to make the turn, but he came out of nowhere. Sneaky bastards.
Now I don't know much about tickets but what they told me, that I have to go to court on the designated day and place. Apparently they'll be sending me more info in the mail about how much I can pay it off or whatever. I heard that these tickets are "points" on my record if I just try to pay them off but that there's a chance the cop won't show up if I go to court and it will all be dismissed.
Anyone have experience or further knowledge in this area that might prove to be useful to me...?