Kingdom Hearts 2: Voice Acting - Redux

Mar 31, 2006 18:17

From my last post:
I also really like how they took the time to match up the VA'ers...(as) consistency is really key

Well I seems I forgot to mention, consistency is only key if you don't SUCK. The new VA'ers for Aerith and Cid are well... lurid crap. Lurid, lurid, crap. Cid sounds like some creepy country bumpkin and Aerith sounds like some sort of Fem-bot (I mean in the female robot way and not in the Austin Powers way). I'm surprised at how much I don't hate the new Leon. Maybe it's because the new VA'er does the voice in a Disney Animated Series sort of way. It's similar to the difference between Robin Williams and Dan Castellaneta voicing the Genie. Sure Castellaneta does Genie okay, but Williams just kicks it up an extra notch making Castellaneta look crappy, but only in comparison. The new Yuffie on the other hand is outstanding. She has the voice for Yuffie down so exactly that it's almost jarring listening to her being followed by these other lesser VA'ers.

Anyway, I'm currently about 10 hours in, and still enjoying myself despite the horribleness of Cid and Aerith (while I watched peasel play I kept yelling "kill it! kill it!" inappropriately whenever Aerith talked). Seems this may be turning into a play by play of KH2. Maybe I'll stretch my writing muscle a little.
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