(no subject)

Mar 28, 2004 04:47

*looks around*
Ya, I'd really just rather be a square
not to suggest anyone here tries to be something they aren't
On the contrary
They try so hard to be themselves its exhausting to read, much less write
Nothing should compete with living but dying
With living out stories that could, but do not need, to be told.
Thats my feeling, I'm going with that
Zak Wolk introduced me to Sam Williams tonight
He is a very intelligent poet, do peep him
Living the unsung life is a boring process
But fulfilling in retrospect, and fraught with likelihood of marginal success
The dangers of mediocrity, of becoming what I used to hate, now marginally dislike, and will eventually rub noses next to.
Looking cool isn't that challenging, being so can be a life derailing process
Or as the Japanese so astutely and contrarily put it
The nail that stands up gets hit
Here's to squaredom, goodnight planet earth.
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